Signs Your Husband or Man May Be Gay Kaye's checklist includes: 1 There is a decline of sexual activity early in your marriage that never picks up again. Not gay but vaginas are a bit gross and some men just don't enjoy the touching /smell/ feel etc. His mum and dad remained very good friends, they worked together as well. Bookmark. I am 100% sure he would never act on any gay feelings he may have. the she. Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. I do have my reasons beyond him finding the female body repulsive, but am not going into them for fear of outing myself. He tries to convince you. Either way it's cheating but what will be different as illustrated previously with the celebs examples is that if he has gay tendencies then it is something that he keeps pushing back but then resurfaces. But it happens. You need to ask him, OP. sparklekitty · 06/10/2013 08:24. From what you've said it sounds highly likely that your husband is gay. No woman wants to discover that her husband is gay. Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. most of us need more than PIV to have a good time. Its not like he is camp (not meaning that to be insulting). He found out when he was about 14, his dad moved out and has been in a long term relationship for many years now (they might actually be married now, can't remember). Sounds a bit rubbish for you. I don't know what to do. . me4real · 17/05/2022 18:30. My son is 15 and recently came out to myself and my husband as gay (the only other people he had told were a few close friends). Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. TheShellBeach · 05/04/2023 13:50. 'Is my husband gay?' AS reveals no other posts by OP except this thread Could my. A lot of women. Normalmumandwife · 24/08/2020 07:33. Having drug fueled parties doesn't mean she's gay though, but of course isn't good in itself. I recently caught my husband on grindr, after being married less than 6 months. I'm not a Mumsnet user but this isn't something I can discuss publically and I'd be very grateful for advice. Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. Well, my first husband turned out to be gay and we had two children before splitting up. Sorry OP but yes I think he might be gay and even if he isn’t your sex life doesn’t sound like much fun for you. One of my best friends dad is gay. Generally I think unmarried couples use boyfriend/girlfriend in the earlier. I'd also put money on him having had sex with the younger man. We've decided it. Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. A lot of the time they didn’t know what to call it, but they knew that they had an attraction to men—the locker room, the boy scouts, or. He says he is not into men. He says he only ever downloads it when he is drunk. Delpedro32 · 17/05/2022 18:37. Its just so obvious to me that he is a gay man, who will never admit it. We sat down and spoke about it and he says he had an experience in Thailand many years ago, and this found a new interest in trans women. Mumsnet makes parents' lives easier by pooling knowledge, advice and support on everything from conception to childbirth, from babies to teenagers. Regular marriage problems pale in comparison to coming to terms with this realization: my husband is gay. im so glad you posted this, my husband has been lookin at the exact same things, i caught him a few times by checkin the history, he did tell me a few weeks before the weddin that he liked to dress in womens clothes:shock: but that he absolutely didnt want to become a woman! im still in denial really not sure wat to make of it even now. Ffs, partner doesn't imply gay, it means not married! Just sounds like she's not thinking about marriage. 21 replies PetitChou · 02/11/2010 14:15 I have just discovered that my husband has been in contact with gay men on email and facebook. In an argument a few weeks ago he admitted to it when I confronted him for being distant in our marriage. It’s not 1937 for goodness sake. I'm not homophobic but obviously I was a little shocked. Most gay or bisexual men will say yes. The bottom line is yes he is gay or bi. Homophobic husband not accepting gay son. I am devastated, I have no idea for how. Husband on grindr. Husband gay? 87 replies feelinglost85 · 23/08/2020 22:04 Hi All I am new here as I have no one I can turn too and I just need to talk so someone! I have been with my husband for for 13yrs and we have 2 children. It was perfectly acceptable to come out as gay in 1997. Agree he is not your best friend. Personally I would get this person out your life as swiftly and painlessly as possible. He lied to you for 26 years about one of the most basic fundamental elements of your marriage. carolmarie72 · 27/04/2022 13:08 I've suspected for a while now that my husband might be gay.